Monthly Archives: August 2019


Maximizing Your Business Value Before a Sale

By |August 29th, 2019|Resources and Reading|

The following is an excerpt from . The process of selling a business has become more complex today. Buyers are more cautious and much more rigorous in their due diligence efforts due to the Great Recession. A big reason why a deal fails is that owners do not plan early enough to sell their business. [...]

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How to Arrive at a Realistic Valuation for Your Business

By |August 27th, 2019|Resources and Reading|

The following is an excerpt from . Every CEO considering a sale wants to know the answer to one question: how much is my company worth? But valuation is highly subjective and sellers often come to the table with many misconceptions. Read Full Article Here

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Planning to Sell Your Company in a Few Years? You Have Work to Do Now.

By |August 20th, 2019|Resources and Reading|

The following is an excerpt from . For middle-market company owners and executives, the last thing they might be thinking about during the growth phase of their businesses is planning for an eventual sale. However, a successful “exit” takes years of preparation, and only those owners who take the right steps along the way will [...]

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Planning Your Exit: Five Questions On Optimizing Results

By |August 16th, 2019|Resources and Reading|

The following is an excerpt from . Forbes Insights research shows that over half of today’s high-net-worth investors generated or obtained the lion’s share of their wealth either exclusively (22%) or to some degree (31%) through a family-run business. This highlights the essential art of exit planning—prepping the family and the business for its future [...]

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Paladin Capital Advisors acted as exclusive M&A advisor in AP Dynamics Divestiture

By |August 13th, 2019|News|

AP Dynamics Inc. & APD Trinidad & Tobago Ltd. hired Paladin Capital Advisors as the exclusive M&A advisor to manage all aspects leading to the successful conclusion of this divestiture transaction.  Since 1998, AP Dynamics Inc. provides high-value engineering services in the fields of dynamic design, pulsation and vibrations mitigation, stress analysis and mechanical design. Enterprise Value [...]

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Avoiding the Biggest Deal Killer: Time

By |August 9th, 2019|Resources and Reading|

The following is an excerpt from . When selling a business, time is not your friend. Time is the enemy of all deals. In fact, "time wounds all deals" is an expression that can be associated with a number of different industries, but is especially relevant to business acquisitions. So, the key to a successful [...]

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The 11 Stages Of Selling A Company

By |August 1st, 2019|Resources and Reading|

The following is an excerpt from . Selling a company is a long and complex process. Preparing for a sales process takes at least 12 months, and then the actual process itself can take another 12 months. If you think of selling your business as something similar to a very long multi-year enterprise sales cycle, [...]

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