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  • 24-02-16

The Three P’s

By |September 27th, 2016|News|

When approaching a transaction, focus on what Roger Blackstock, a Vistage Chair in Atlanta, GA, calls the Three P’s: “Your purpose, your people, and your processes are key," says Roger Blackstock, a Vistage Chair in Atlanta, GA. “If you focus on the three P’s — your purpose, your people, and your processes —  you’ll have [...]

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Know Why You Want to Leave

By |September 27th, 2016|News|

There are a number of reasons that an owner may be ready to pass the baton. It’s not always all about the money. “Start with the why,” recommends Chuck Andrews, a Vistage Chair in Chicago. “Why are you doing it? What are you going to do afterwards?” “When things are going well for an organization [...]

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  • second24-02-16

Identify the Right Buyer

By |September 27th, 2016|News|

As you begin to explore the exit process, identifying the key differences between strategic and financial buyers can help you understand their decision-making processes. Clarifying what each type of buyer is seeking can help you decide which fits your situation best. “Write down what your perfect buyer would look like,” suggests Lopez. “Really challenge yourself [...]

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  • 24-02-16

Make a Plan for the Future

By |September 27th, 2016|News|

There are a number of crucial considerations that will impact the success of an exit. One important area to think about is your involvement in the business once the deal is consummated. Think long and hard about whether you want to stay on with the business posttransaction. Picture yourself at your headquarters with someone else [...]

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  • second24-02-16

How You Can Prepare for Due Diligence from a Potential Buyer

By |September 23rd, 2016|News|

In terms of mergers and acquisitions, due diligence refers to the multilevel assessment that potential buyers make before acquiring a company. The goal of due diligence is for the buyer to gain a full understanding of the risk associated with acquiring the seller’s company so they can make an informed decision about whether or not [...]

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Paladin CMS is a finalist – M&A Deal of the Year 2016

By |August 31st, 2016|News|

Paladin CMS is a finalist for the 2016 M&A Deal of the Year (under $25mm) at The M&A Advisor Awards in New York this November.

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Common Strategic Planning Problems

By |May 27th, 2016|News|

All organizations, from big to small, encounter organizational issues – whether it’s a lack of performance, team cohesion or other challenges. As such, the importance of strategic planning cannot be understated, but there are often major hurdles facing companies and the consulting firms that they hire to address these issues. Strategic planning can suffer from [...]

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What is Investment Value?

By |March 3rd, 2016|News|

Mergers and acquisitions are about far more than just the raw numbers. The true value of your company is a delicate mix of the total money coming in, as well as other, more intangible factors that many might overlook. Paladin is a company dedicated to helping companies realize their value and to help guide mergers, [...]

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  • 24-02-16

Building Value From the Inside Out

By |February 23rd, 2016|News|

Most owners are focused growing their business.  They understand that growing sales and profitability is the most obvious way to increase the value of their business.  There is belief that potential purchasers will perceive this value even while failing to see what purchasers look at in addition to earnings.  Purchasers are obviously interested in companies [...]

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  • second24-02-16

How Paladin Eases the Transition of Ownership

By |January 20th, 2016|News|

Great companies work diligently to ensure that they are stable and sustainable for the future, which means that a well-run business stays in business for a long time. This is inevitably going to lead to transitions in management, ownership or both. Selling your company is as much about finding intangible investment value as it is [...]

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